What if I don’t have a road bike?

For safety, we can only have road bikes on our group rides (flat bars can get hooked in the drops). But we would love you to join us for coffee and chats!

What pace do your rides go?

It depends on the ride, but as a general guide:

  • Steady will usually sit on around 28-32kph on the flats

  • Fast will usually sit on 30-35kph on the flats, with some faster sections 35-40kph

  • Drop will usually sit on +35kph on the flats

What if I can’t keep up?

Most of our rides are no-drop so we adjust the pace to keep the group together and re-group at the top of any climbs. If the pace feels too fast for you please tell someone (or yell “ease up!”) - it’s better to slow down a little bit and keep the group together than have you blow up. Or you’re always welcome to just join us for coffee.

Do I have to join the club before I come?

No, we welcome you to come and do a few rides with us to get to know us before you join the club. We just ask that you have Third Party Public Liability Insurance before joining one of our rides. Please just get in touch with us beforehand so we can give you a warm welcome.

How much does it cost?

Membership is through AusCycling and includes your AusCycling membership and Third Party Public Liability Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance coverage. Lifestyle membership with CPCC is currently $115 per year ($90 to AusCycling, $25 club fee).

Do I have to buy/wear the club kit?

No, but we would love it if you did! It’s the best way to support the club and help us grow. We hope that you will love riding with us and be proud to wear our kit.

I’m just visiting, can I join a ride?

Absolutely! We just ask that you have Third Party Public Liability Insurance before joining one of our rides. Please just read our Ride Guidelines and get in touch with us beforehand so we can give you a warm welcome.